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Digg Democracy
Few days back somebody told us where the lame kids went. He seemed to hate reddit and totally love digg. If you are that guy then please read no further. I would hate to break your heart.
My favorite news sites are Slashdot, digg, Google news and reddit. I spend a good amount of time reading the articles linked from these websites. I also happen to be a mainstream digger and that probably makes me least important to digg. This is not intentional and has more to do with the amount of time I can spare for my activities on various forums.
Between a full time job and projects I write some articles for this blog as and when time permits. As soon as I finish writing I email the link to a few friends and post it on some forums and groups. This is my way of sharing the articles with the community. After I discovered digg and reddit, I thought of it as a good way to share my articles with the community. Digg provides a democratic environment where the community decides which links make it the front page. In the past this has worked for me and one of my posts made it to the front page.
9 days back I submitted an article titled “Dad, what was Internet?” to digg. In a couple of hours the article managed to get 25 diggs. Then something unexpected happened. The count froze at 25. I checked the queue and discovered that the link was removed. To be sure I checked the cloud view. It was not there either. I’m clueless as to why the link was removed. I checked the terms of use to see if I was in violation of any clause. I was not. I sent the following email to digg last week and I’m still awaiting a response.
I had submitted an article on the night of Feb 2 titled “Dad, what was Internet?”. This is the digg link: http://digg.com/links/Dad,_What_Was_Internet_
In a couple of hours or so I received about 20 diggs. Then I checked again in the morning and the article had 25 diggs. But it had kind of frozen at that count. So I checked the queue only to discover that the submission was missing. I checked the cloud and the link was missing from there too. Was this submission “buried”? Could you please check as to why this link was removed from the queue? Is it something that I did wrong?
Thanks and regards
-Digg User
I would suggest that digg notify the submitter if a link is removed from the queue. All it would cost is an email. Also there could be a notification next to the link so that the submitter knows of the removal by visiting the permalink. I hope my feedback helps digg to be more democratic.
(The article being discussed here: "Dad, what was Internet?", made it to the front page of reddit on the same day it was submitted to digg)
My favorite news sites are Slashdot, digg, Google news and reddit. I spend a good amount of time reading the articles linked from these websites. I also happen to be a mainstream digger and that probably makes me least important to digg. This is not intentional and has more to do with the amount of time I can spare for my activities on various forums.
Between a full time job and projects I write some articles for this blog as and when time permits. As soon as I finish writing I email the link to a few friends and post it on some forums and groups. This is my way of sharing the articles with the community. After I discovered digg and reddit, I thought of it as a good way to share my articles with the community. Digg provides a democratic environment where the community decides which links make it the front page. In the past this has worked for me and one of my posts made it to the front page.
9 days back I submitted an article titled “Dad, what was Internet?” to digg. In a couple of hours the article managed to get 25 diggs. Then something unexpected happened. The count froze at 25. I checked the queue and discovered that the link was removed. To be sure I checked the cloud view. It was not there either. I’m clueless as to why the link was removed. I checked the terms of use to see if I was in violation of any clause. I was not. I sent the following email to digg last week and I’m still awaiting a response.
I had submitted an article on the night of Feb 2 titled “Dad, what was Internet?”. This is the digg link: http://digg.com/links/Dad,_What_Was_Internet_
In a couple of hours or so I received about 20 diggs. Then I checked again in the morning and the article had 25 diggs. But it had kind of frozen at that count. So I checked the queue only to discover that the submission was missing. I checked the cloud and the link was missing from there too. Was this submission “buried”? Could you please check as to why this link was removed from the queue? Is it something that I did wrong?
Thanks and regards
-Digg User
I would suggest that digg notify the submitter if a link is removed from the queue. All it would cost is an email. Also there could be a notification next to the link so that the submitter knows of the removal by visiting the permalink. I hope my feedback helps digg to be more democratic.
(The article being discussed here: "Dad, what was Internet?", made it to the front page of reddit on the same day it was submitted to digg)
I've had links removed from Digg in the same way. I don't know why.
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM
I don't know exactly, but I'd guess that at least a few diggers hit 'ok this is lame.'
Because, hey man, it really kind of was. :/
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM
Something like this happend to me.I submited something to digg, recived 25 digs and after that digg freeze.I don't know why, and now when i read your post i think if i send an email to them is = with 0.
necromanc, at 1:30 AM
I like reddit more than digg. Hit ratio (number of links i click / read as compared to what they send) for reddit is significantly higher for reddit. I read almost 50% of articles they send. In Digg its close to 20%. And Digg send far too many links.
Abhishek Goyal, at 7:07 AM
Kevin and the digg community are all talking about the top user "collusion" but not the problem pattern of many stories getting "super buried" (this happens often if the article is at all critical of digg) or other stories with very few diggs getting swept to the front page while stories about the same topic with more diggs but _not_ by one of the top users don't get to the front page.
Note that Kevin didn't link to the two stories
that started this because they were marked as front page but not on the front page, he skips explaining why and how that is happening.
And yeah, nobody should care, but if you keep saying all the time - the site is completely user driven, wisdom of crowds, blah, blah - then don't have a man behind the curtain altering what gets to the front page or not.
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM
Virtual Karma indeed.
Victims ratings more like. Anything popular is manipulated and Digg with reddit appearing to be in collusion. Advertising.
Complain about blocking people while blocking people. Digg blocks older literate users, and hands them off to reddit for targeted marketing and firewall between age groups and money.
User base is everything in marketing and big money, sadly. Nobody wants to take take care of the little things in life.
*yawn* I banned them both and reported them as phishing sites. Because, in the corporated web world, they ARE. Anybody who filters is corporate and out for money. Just the way it is.
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