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Flying Images
I found this script making rounds of the social networking site that I frequent. Here is what you do: Browse to any website with a few images. Copy the script below in the address bar of your browser and hit enter.
Note: I dont know the orignal source of the script to give credit to the author.
Note: I dont know the orignal source of the script to give credit to the author.
The instructions aren't clear! Please Check...
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
What is it actually?? Please give clear instructions or what is its result like?
Anonymous, at 8:37 AM
Ok.. here are the instructions:
0. Go to any website. But for the sake of step by step instruction remain on this page and follow the steps as you read them
1. Copy the code in the textbox to the clipboard (the line that starts with javascript). On a Windows PC you can select/highlight the code, right click and select 'copy'; or you can press ctrl + c once the code is highlighted. It is one single line of code.
2. Click on the address bar of your browser window. The textbox where you type the URL of a website. In other words the place where you type www.google.com to go to your favourite search engine.
3. Remove all the existing text in the address bar. Paste the copied code from step 1. To paste right click and select 'paste';or press ctrl + v.
4. Once the code is entered in the address bar hit the enter key; or click go; basically do what you do after you type www.google.com in the adress bar.
You should now see all the images on the page flying around. It looks cool.. hope you can see it too.
The Random Guy, at 10:39 AM
Doesn't work with Firefox, sucks.
No Love Productions, at 6:28 PM
Scripty blocker for a reason.
Why? It's free/mozilla corporate safe. Just passing thru.
Nice house.
PassingThrough, at 4:14 AM
wow these is cool, these is the first time i saw a java that can execute at once... Really Nice
Clark from http://www.nursinghealthcareagency.com
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM
when i do this cool trick will i get any viruses? is this safe?
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM
It works on firefox for me?
Can anyone give me the embed code for myspace?]
Anonymous, at 6:36 AM
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javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=2.6; y3=.24; x4=100; y4=100; x5=300; y5=300; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("p"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+ "px"; DIS.top=(Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+" px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0); this is a much better javascript. made by me. I claim the rights to it. signed: Mattias Tolhurst
Mattias tolhurst, at 7:35 PM
Note. This is a flying text javascript code. I made it so that it can be edited. Just isolate the getElementsByTagName("p") and change the "p" to either: "a" or "img" ... "img" is for images(obviously) and "a" is for hyperlinks. Enjoy. Signed: Mattias Tolhurst. (:
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